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Teresa Wood celebrates 20 years of care

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Teresa Wood[/caption]

As we celebrate National Nursing Assistants Week this month, we’re also celebrating Teresa Wood’s 20th anniversary on the staff at Rolla Presbyterian Manor.

“We have been blessed to have Teresa on our nursing staff for the past two decades. Teresa demonstrates compassion for our residents and dedication to the community. Her 20 years on staff is just one example of that,” said Ann Caudill, executive director.

Teresa found her calling at a young age. After taking some health classes at Rolla High School, she discovered she enjoyed the work and continued with the completion of her clinicals. She then joined the staff at the Presbyterian Manor on June 19, 1998, as a certified nursing aide (CNA) and certified medical assistant (CMA).

“I enjoy the work and I enjoy learning about the residents’ lives. It’s neat to hear what they’ve accomplished, look at their old photos and help other people,” said Teresa.

Helping other people is what Teresa’s job is all about. When asked what she does at Presbyterian Manor, she explains, “Whatever the residents need. I’m there for them.”

She’s also there for her two children. Teresa enjoys watching her 13-year-old daughter when she’s cheerleading and traveling on the weekends with her 14-year-old son’s baseball team. She and her husband, Jared, have been together for 16 years. When she’s not with family, you can find her visiting flea markets, shopping or watching movies.

To all of our nursing assistants, THANK YOU for all you do for our residents!

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